When I speak to customers or other consultants about VDI so many people focus on how the wrong aspects of desktop management. Many people still focus on desktop management from having to manage the desktops. This is definitely an aspect of VDI BUT the OS management should be a simple prospect because of 3 reasons:
– a virtual desktop image should be managed from a centralized management platform. In most cases this is Active Directory via GPO’s.
– user configurations should be performed through the AD GPO’s instead of having individual desktops for each user. The users data has to be redirected to a file share to allow for simpler desktop management as well as centralized data security and backup.
– application virtualization has to be utilized to remove any dependencies of the application from the desktop installation. This is the ultimate realization of VDI.
Ok so what did I mean by Application Virtualization?
Well when I discuss AppVirt there are many players out there such as Microsoft, Citrix, and even VMware. WHAT!!! Yes I said VMware.
ThinApp in my opinion stands abovc all other AppVirt solutions. Yes I have been drunk on VMware Koolaid since I started playing with Workstation back in 2001 and ESX helped that along, but ThinApp, thats a whole pitcher of spiked KoolAid. I dont think people realize what ThinApp actually means to the industry.
More to follow….