Cloudy When Virtual This is just a place for my thoughts on the industry, Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Services Oriented IT, End User Experience and many more topics…

June 4, 2010

Time to start this up for real!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brad @ 8:29 PM

So this has been a busy year for me so far and it is only June. I started this blog because I wanted to somehow just get my thoughts around cloud and virtualization in writing. Well time has not permitted this. But I figured I will try it again.

So far this year I have been blessed to have achieved my VCDX (#36) certification which for me was a huge personal achievement. It means I realize I do understand something about architecting VMware. But what it really did for me was allow me to connect with people that I would not have met before.

Well today I have just learned I have also been selected as a VMware vExpert 2010. I knew someone had (Thanks Scott C.) had nominated me, but honestly because I had not had a blog yet and wasn’t active on the VMware Forums, I wasn’t sure I had a chance in hell. Well hell froze over so here I am. So thank you I truly appreciate the nomination and award.

Well I will try my best to keep blogging, mayhbe once a week at least but if not you can catch me on twitter @bmaltz. Also if you will be at BriForum I am giving presenting a session.


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