Cloudy When Virtual This is just a place for my thoughts on the industry, Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Services Oriented IT, End User Experience and many more topics…

August 30, 2011

Time to make Clouds

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brad @ 6:46 PM

Its about time I got my blog going for real, especially with VMworld 2011 and the announcements coming from the industry. For those of you who dont know me, I have updated my About Me page. This blog is meant to be a place for me to get out some thoughts written down.

The industry is changing so fast and most users dont keep with all the announcements or new technolgiees that are coming out. What is interesting is that for many years as virtualization became mainstream, the industry drove adoption because users NEEDED it. Datacenters were growing faster than administrators could keep up and consolidation was becoming a fundadmental building block of the future of computing.

The introduction and development of Cloud Computing should not be mistaken as the same type of movement as virtualization. Cloud is not being introduced as a fix for a major problem administrators are having. It is a means to an end for a shift in the way businesses function. When I meet with EMC, VMware and other major vendors, I try and ensure they understand not to try and develop Cloud technoliges based on what customers want; But develop Cloud technolgies on what customers WILL need. Cloud Computing will force a change in people, process and policies that should be aligned with how he technologies will function. 

The next 2-3 years is when end users need to change the way they work. Until this happens, Cloud will be a slowly adopted industry. This is the time that you, end users / administrators, need to work with consultants to figure out if your workflows and processes are Cloud Enabled. The Cloud is going to try and be goood for everyone, but in reality the first variations of Cloud will actually be more rigid than many people realize.

When evaluating Cloud technologies, assuming the organizations have designed their workflows Cloud friendly, the technology should not have to be havily customized. Customzation creates a management nightmare which is anti-Cloud. What I consider a Cloud friendly workflow iss one that involves standardizing the proccess from requisition through approval and deployment. If a workflow has any “one-offs” or manual tasks that are not standardized or reproducable, then the workflow will cause for a breakdown in standardization.


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