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June 3, 2012

VMworld 2012 Sessions – Some Help Needed

Filed under: Uncategorized — Brad @ 7:12 PM

So the time for session voting for VMworld 2012 is here, actually it has been here since last week. I have been able to get 3 sessions entered and I am looking to get at least one of them through. If you know me personally these are the types of events I love because it is truly aimed at the end-user and architect. There is no sales aspect to sessions at VMworld. So if you can help me out and send me your vote.

1493 Avoiding a Stalled State VDI Deployment

Track: End-User Computing
Subtracks: Desktop Virtualization

The state of Virtual Desktop deployments in many organizations have all fallen into the same category, it is what we call “Stalled State” VDI Installations. This happens when the VDI implementation was not fully planned out and architected as an End User Computing deployment. Instead, the concept of deploying VDI meant installing VMware View and starting up some desktops. Unfortunately when deploying any VDI environment there are a multitude of aspects that need to be considered such as Profile Management, Application Virtualization and Deployment, End Device Architecture, Network Connectivity, Operational Workflows and much more.

2229 Building an IaaS Cloud Offering – Lessons Learned: It’s Not About the Technology

Track: Operations
Subtracks: Cloud Service Management

The industry has finally embraced Cloud Computing to the point that many organizations are exploring what Cloud Computing means to them. When the decision comes down to building a private cloud, using a public cloud or creating a hybrid cloud; there remains a common factor in all 3 scenarios, the need to standardize all operational workflows and procedures. This one aspect of building an Infrastructure Cloud can make or break the success of the project.
During this session Brad will discuss what it takes to standardize and operationalize an IT organization to be able to utilize an Infrastructure Cloud. There will be real world scenarios and detailed examples of successful deployments vs unsuccessful deployments. The goals of the session are to allow the audience to see that a majority of the work to build any IaaS cloud offering is dictated not by the technology but by redefining how the organization functions on a daily basis.

2920 Designing the Optimal Service Catalog for the Hybrid IaaS Cloud

Track: Operations
Subtracks: Cloud Service Management

The concept of a Service Catalog has been tied to the IT industry for years since Service Oriented Architectures and ITIL have been in existence. The problem has arisen that creating a Service Catalog has been taken to somewhat of an art form. It can be done at a simplistic level, but this does not always mean that the Service Catalog will be robust enough to meet future needs. On the other hand the Service Catalog can also be created so that it is so complex that no organization could efficiently support it.
During this session Brad will discuss the methodology of creating a robust yet efficient Service Catalog that can enable the organization and allow for streamlined workflows. Considering the broad topics that Service Catalogs can cover, this session will be restricted to a Hybrid IaaS Service Catalog.


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